Lawton Gavin

Issa CPT & nutritionist
Dr Layne Norton Body Transformation specialist
PSL1 biomechanics & corrective exercise specialist
MBSC strength and conditioning

My name is Lawton

I have been on my own journey of personal transformation that I use to inspire and motivate my clients.

I successfully dropped over 100lbs naturally to compete in a bodybuilding show through hard work, dedication, and a great amount of stubbornness. This experience ignited my passion for fitness and nutrition and being that person for my clients that I needed in the beginning of my journey.

I decided to pursue my dreams and became a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, injury prevention specialist, and body transformation coach.

My personal experience combined with my professional expertise enables me to provide a holistic approach to health and wellness for my clients.

I am committed to helping others achieve their goals, whether that’s stepping on stage, getting stronger, or even just simply liking what they see in the mirror.