Randall Royall

NFF Pro Bodybuilder
ISSA Personal Trainer
ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist
Parisi Speed School Coach
D1 Collegiate Football Player

Hello! My name is Randall Royall and I am incredibly honored to be a trainer here at Los Campeones! First and foremost, I am a believer, I am a husband, and most assuredly I am blessed to pursue a career as a personal trainer. Praise God! July of 2022, I had the honor of becoming a natural bodybuilding pro after coaching myself, and its experience has certainly helped in being an online and in person personal trainer.

I fully believe in the pursuit and healthiness spiritually, mentally, and physically, and hope to better all three categories for any and all clients that I have the opportunity to work with.

A little background on me, I was first a D1 football player at Rice University, and it was there that I was able to recognize a love for the training aspect of the sport, as well as the encouraging of others as a community. This lead to my own pursuit of bodybuilding as a personal goal and pursuit, but also working in and around gyms as a Parisi Speed School Coach, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, and the assistant head Coach at Level Up Physiques, the online business I am a part of (Level Up Performance (levelupphysiques.com)). I’m honored to say that as of 2024, I have brought 2 clients (of which I am very proud), to stage in bodybuilding with 4 more on the way this year!

Whether your goals are for aesthetics or simply for quality of life, and whether you’re a client or not, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m here to help! Health is relevant every day of our lives, and I have had my fair share of trials and tribulations. I struggle with Major Depressive Disorder, and I wish I could say that that is something that you can simply will away. However, I am grateful for it, for it has given me a shared experience of which I can sympathize with in an age where so many mental health struggles are prevalent.

If you see me (and if you’ve somehow managed to read this far), don’t ever hesitate to say hi or ask a question! If I’m not interruptible, I’m doing things wrong!